Finding the joy in OUR journey

Sweet Baby Cambree

There are few things in life that are as sweet as a brand new baby. Travis' brother Scott and his wife Chandi blessed their 3rd child today, Cambree Hayden. My kids absolutely adore her, they are still trying to convince Travis and me that we need another baby...sorry kids, it's not happenin'!

Cambree and Jaden

The whole gang

The girls


Ronda said...

Its so good to see you are still alive and doing well!! It looks like ya'll are happy and having fun.. It will be good to have you back. see ya soon

Steve and Jen said...

Yup! Love holding babies! She is beautiful! Just like you and your little family!

Anonymous said...

she looks good with a baby I think I should put one in her but I want to practice lots first though including herass