Finding the joy in OUR journey

"I want it back on!"

April 19, 2010

After waiting 6 L O N G weeks, the appointment started with great excitement, and anticipation...

Which quickly turned to nerves and anxiety...

And ended in tears! Yes, tears...and not tears of joy, but tears of dread and fear.

You can't tell by the picture, but Chloe was so upset, I had to put the camera away and wipe away some of the biggest alligator tears I've ever seen. She was absolutely certain that her arm was going to fall right off and she demanded her cast be put back on. Once I convinced her that she could not perform in her upcoming dance recital with a cast on, she gradually settled down--taking if off was more traumatic than getting it put on!

1 comment:

texaswilliams said...

Hi Andrea,
Send me you e-mail address so I can invite you to the blog!